Can you smell that smell!?
Burnt electrical wiring insulation has a very distinct odor and is the first tell-tale sign of an electrical issue. If you smell something 'HOT' or that distinct odor of electrical burn don't wait, call TODAY! To schedule an appointment with a certified professional who can diagnose and repair the issue safely.
Can you spot the problem in these photos?
You would be correct if you said ‘Crimp Connectors’ these connectors are to be used on fine stranded wire. However, manufacturers have mistakenly been using these connectors for Air Conditioning wiring which is wrong and dangerous. Using a crimp connector on solid copper core wiring otherwise known as Romex is destined to fail. With a lot of vibrations traveling down the road these connections become loose which causes resistance in the wiring and in turn creates heat. Before you know it sparks are flying and your electrical wiring begins to burn costing you time and money with added frustration.
Never work on live circuits as accidents or mistakes can happen. Call a professional today to handle all of your electrical problems.